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6 Tips For New Moms To Survive Newborn Exhaustion

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This sponsored conversation about tips for new moms was written by me on behalf of P&G. The opinions and text are all mine. This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Having a newborn can be so amazing, and incredibly exhausting and stressful. It can be hard to keep up when you add in the fact that your body is still healing from childbirth. While it may not feel like it in the moment those first few months will fly by and you won’t know where they went. Hopefully these tips for new moms will help you not only get through the newborn phase with ease, but will make things easy enough that you can actually enjoy this special time with your new little one.

6 Tips for New Moms to Survive Newborn Exhaustion

6 Tips For New Moms To Survive Newborn Exhaustion

The first few months of Nick’s life weren’t easy for me. His birth had been a physical ordeal (my doctor’s words, it’s never good when a doctor describes your child’s birth that way!) and the healing process was long. Plus it was quite a change to add a baby to my life. All of a sudden I was being woken up at all hours of the night, and it was tough learning to figure out what Nick wanted when he cried.

Still we made it through well enough, and things weren’t so bad after the first few days. Even being a new mom I was fairly well prepared for his arrival. Being ready helped me to not only feel confident in taking care of him, but it allowed me to enjoy those early days. I actually remember a lot of it. Especially his first night home when he screamed the whole night long!

Sleep When The Baby Sleeps

Alright, I know we’ve all heard this one when it comes to tips for new moms, but it’s important that you listen to it! Being well rested is so important. Don’t worry about cleaning your house or cooking dinner. When that nap time comes take advantage of it.

If you can’t sleep during nap times because of other kids at home than see if you can get someone to come babysit so you can get a few hours of sleep. If desperate measures are needed turn on the TV and nap on the couch while the kids watch something. A quick show or short movie won’t hurt them, and what’s important is that you sleep.

You’ll never be able to keep up if you’re not getting enough sleep. Being well rested is important for you and your baby. You won’t be in any shape to care for you new bundle of joy if you’re falling over from exhaustion.

Keep Enough Diapers on Hand

There is nothing worse than running out of diapers, and you can be sure that it’ll happen at the worst possible moment. No one wants to make a 3:00 a.m. diaper run!

Parenting Tip: Keep Enough Diapers on Hand

You can make this easy by purchasing super packs of diapers on your regular shopping trip. With such a big box you can be sure you’ll be safe to get through.

I liked to purchase the super packs on my weekly grocery shopping trips at Meijer. Being able to grab all the baby products I needed during my regular shopping trip made things so much easier. Lugging a baby from store to store is no fun! Even better Meijer always had the best diaper prices of anywhere I looked. Plus they often had great diaper sales which saved me even more!

That’s a great way to stock up on diapers and get some savings at the same time. Pampers were my favorite diapers when Nick was a newborn. Nick often peed out of other types making a lot of extra laundry for me, and another brand we tried gave Nick a rash. I always knew that I wouldn’t have any problems with Pampers though. I suppose then it’s no surprise then that Pampers Swaddlers are the #1 choice of hospitals.

Keep Everything You Need At The Changing Table

When you’re in an exhausted fog it’s easy to forget supplies. Since you won’t want to leave your baby just lying on their baby table while you get something it’s best to have everything always there.

Besides a pile of diapers and a box of baby wipes I kept a cup on the table with things such as diaper rash cream (this kind was our favorite) . I also kept a bottle of sanitizer there to clean my hands with. If you need to change your little one’s outfit be sure to grab that before you start changing them!

Be Prepared For Anything and Everything

You’ll find as a mom that you’ll deal with messes you never dreamed about. One of the tips for new moms that is often forgotten is to be prepared for anything and everything. I don’t mean just be prepared for your baby either. When you travel with a new baby a change of clothes for you is a good idea too!

Nick had a bad habit of spitting up all over both of us a lot. I had to change my clothes almost as often as I had to change his. Still nothing compared to the blow outs!

Tips for New Parents: Be Prepared for Anything

When Nick was a few months old we spent a day at the lake. See those pictures above? Doesn’t Nick look so sweet and innocent that day? Yeah, those pictures were taken after the biggest blowout mess of his life! It happened not long after we got to the lake and it caused me to not only need to change him, but me as well. The number of wipes I had to use was insane. I depleted most of the stash I brought.

Luckily though I had come prepared or it would have been one long, and stinky, day at the lake! When we got home I threw Nick’s outfit in the wash with Dreft and it was saved (it had been one of my favorite rompers of his too!).

Use a Hypoallergenic Detergent like Dreft

Baby skin is so sensitive. Sensitive enough that it may not be able to handle clothes next to it that were washed in certain detergents. The last thing you want to do is give your newborn another reason to be fussy!

Helpful Items for New Moms

To be safe you’ll want to wash your baby’s clothes in a hypoallergenic detergent. Dreft was my detergent of choice when Nick was a newborn. It did a great job washing his clothes. The smell can still take me back to his baby days. Dreft is the #1 choice of pediatricians and has been trusted by moms for over 80 years. You can’t beat a track record like that!

Let Others Help

Many of us have a hard time of asking for help, or even accepting it when it’s offered. Still letting others help is one of the best tips for new moms that I can give you.

If someone offers to make your family dinner or to help clean your house take them up on their offer! Every little bit of help is useful. It might allow you to get more sleep, or even just have more time to spend with your new little one. Don’t let an offer for help pass you by!


Advice for New Parents for the Newborn Stage

The newborn stage can be exhausting, but it can be an amazing time as well. Hopefully these tips gave you some help you survive the stage so you can enjoy it and look back on it with great memories.

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of P&G. The opinions and text are all mine.


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Richard Hicks

Thursday 7th of September 2017

I am nervous about the baby throwing up too much

Laurie Emerson

Thursday 7th of September 2017

My messiest story is when my daughter pooed and peed at the same time. I tried so hard to change her diaper but she just kept on going.


Thursday 7th of September 2017

Less than two days after we brought our daughter home from the hospital my husband was changing her diaper and as he was raising her butt to wipe her she just let loose with the most explosive poop ever! It seriously went so far that my husband (being the semi nerd that he is) measured it and it went 27 inches. Needless to say it was quite the mess and also hilarious!

Jerry Marquardt

Thursday 7th of September 2017

Being at the store when he vomited all over the place at the checkout was quite embarrassing.

Sarah Mayer

Thursday 7th of September 2017

My messiest baby story involves my son dumping a bowl of Cheerios on his head.